Saturday, September 7, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 55

History - Essay Example They were also against the reforms that were legislated by the state because they had a preference for individual freedom by choice. They majorly favored agricultural farms and independence in the rural areas and the right to ownership of slaves. Their agenda at this time was rapid expansion in territories whether by purchase or war. Their main focus was to progress by external growth. On the other hand during the 1840s period was the Whigs. They too had their political interests. Contrary to the democrats, the Whigs were a party of modernization. They looked into the needs of the future. Their main interest was the hope of the people of America. They strategized the use of federal state governments to spear head the growth of the nation especially the transport and banking sector. (Holt, 30) writes that they facilitated reforms in public schools, prisons and temperance. As opposed to the democrats, they favored free labor, industrial and urban growth. They were opposed to war and favored gradual expansion of territories as opposed to the democrats who favored rapid expansion of territories through conquering and purchase. The candidate that was chosen to run for 1844 elections was called James Birney. He only managed to win 2% of the total votes but managed to get most of the votes from the northern part which was majorly Whig dominated. On the other hand of the opposing party, were the non-abolitionists who opposed the expansion territorial conquering. This party won in 1848 with 10% of the popular vote. Martin Van Buren was the party candidate. However in 1852 they lost half percentage of their support because their candidate had rejected the compromise made in 1850. In 1860, the democrats’ party split when they were defeated in a defending platform concerning slavery. The convention was held in Charleston, South Carolina. (Holt, 34) points out

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