Saturday, September 28, 2019

Violence Against Women Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Violence Against Women - Research Proposal Example rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, coercive use of contraceptives, female genital mutilation, female infanticide, prenatal sex selection, obstetric violence and ,mob violence, honor killing, dowry violence, marriage by abduction and forced marriage, stalking and violence by police and other authority figure. Women suffer a lot due to the fact that bad acts done on them go unreported due to inadequate reporting processes, taboos, norms, stigma and the level of sensitivity of the subject. Cultural justifications responsible for the some of the acts are accepted by some states and societies claiming that they are defending their cultures. Cultures are the major cause and contributors to this violence. Health issue such as HIV/AIDS can be good example of cause that leads to violence. Health care of women who are culprits of violence incurs more cost than those not subjected to violence. To curb these problem campaign have been launched to educate women on their rights and proper ways of reporting to the authorities. In her book, Kate shows the seriousness of violence against women with the opinion that violence and mistreatments against women could be the primal cause of the increased conflicts and disagreements in societies, given that the women revolution is here with us today. She therefore advocates for social and current remedies to deal with the situation. In this book, violence against women and mistreatments are seen as the major reason why there is increased family violence in many homes today. The concern is that nothing has been done to deal with the situation. Procedures should be developed to save families. In this e-journal, Oaks insists on the importance of rethinking on how women should be treated in the society. Acts such as sexual harassment and unequal gender-based opportunities are great challenges that every society should deal with today. The book by Joan is a collection ideas and insights of professionals working with women,

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